Renowned hematologist Professor Xiaojun Huang has been honored with the International Collaboration Award by the International Academy for Clinical Hematology (IACH). Prof. Huang, a pioneer in the successful implementation of haploidentical transplantation, has significantly contributed to the field of clinical hematology and played a crucial role in promoting global collaboration.

The award ceremony took place on October 5, 2023, during the IACH annual meeting held in Paris. Professor Mohamad Mohty, the current president of IACH, praised Xiaojun Huang ‘s outstanding achievements and key contributions to international collaboration in his invitation and award speech.

At the event, Xiaojun Huang from Peking University People’s Hospital was presented with the “International Collaboration Award” in recognition of his remarkable accomplishments in the field of clinical hematological diseases and his pivotal role in advancing international cooperation.

The International Academy for Clinical Hematology (IACH) is a non-profit academic organization founded by clinical hematological experts from over 30 countries and regions. It focuses on driving innovation in clinical hematology practices, promoting the standardization of clinical hematological diagnostic and therapeutic technologies, and fostering international collaboration. IACH’s founders include prominent figures such as Academician Norbert-Claude Gorin from the French Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Mohamad Mohty, former president of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, and renowned hematologists like Jacob Rowe and Arnon Nagler from Israel.

Professor Xiaojun Huang expressed, “The ‘Beijing Protocol’ for haploidentical transplantation has propelled the standardized promotion of transplantation diagnostic and therapeutic technologies in China. This has led to a twentyfold increase in the number of cases of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in China over the past decade. International collaboration in the clinical hematology field has been instrumental in the innovation of treatment concepts and clinical practices, ushering in a new era of ‘everyone has a donor’ globally. We will continue to work hand in hand with IACH and other international organizations to unite clinical hematologists worldwide and exert a stronger force in improving the prognosis of global hematological patients.”

Brief Profile of Awardee:

Professor Xiaojun Huang is a distinguished hematologist, chief physician, and doctoral supervisor. He serves as the Director of the National Clinical Medical Research Center for Blood Diseases, Director of the Hematology Research Institute at Peking University, and Committee Member of the Academic Advisory Committee of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. Prof. Huang also leads various national-level projects and holds positions in multiple academic and editorial roles.

His clinical research focuses on the clinical and translational aspects of blood diseases. Prof. Huang’s leadership in addressing the global challenge of donor scarcity in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation led to the development of the mature and comprehensive haploidentical transplantation technique known as the “Beijing Protocol.” This breakthrough has overcome international transplantation difficulties, marking a new era in human medicine where everyone has a donor. Prof. Huang has published 118 articles, with the highest impact factor reaching 54.4, and has been cited 10,867 times. He holds 22 patents and has received numerous awards, including national and provincial-level recognitions.

Source: National Clinical Medical Research Center for Blood Diseases

Statement: If reproduced, please credit “Peking University People’s Hospital” (WeChat ID: rmyy1918).