Peihua Lu

Executive Director of Lu Daopei Hospital, President of Beijing Lu Daopei Hematology Research Institute

Junfang Yang

Director of Hematology Division II, Hebei Yanda Lu Daopei Hospital, Deputy Chief Physician

T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma (T-LBL) is a highly malignant and rare lymphoma with aggressive behavior. It primarily affects adolescents, often presenting with mediastinal lymph node enlargement and commonly accompanied by pericardial and pleural effusions. In some cases, the disease can involve the central nervous system (CNS) with neurological manifestations. About 20% of patients progress to acute T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) in advanced stages, which has a rapid progression and poor prognosis.

In the 28th European Hematology Association (EHA) Annual Congress, a study conducted by Dr. Peihua Lu team from Beijing Lu Daopei Hematology Research Institute and Hebei Yanda Lu Daopei Hospital in China (Abstract No: P1389) was featured. They reported a novel approach for targeting CD7 with self-destruction-resistant CAR-T cells (NS7 CAR-T) to overcome CD7-directed self-destruction and investigated the efficacy and safety of NS7CAR-T cell therapy for relapsed or refractory (R/R) CNS-involved T-ALL/LBL.

This study demonstrates that NS7 CAR-T is a promising approach for treating R/R CNS-involved T-ALL/LBL patients without significantly increasing the risk of severe neurotoxicity. Safety is manageable. However, more data from additional patients and longer follow-up times are needed to fully evaluate the efficacy of NS7 CAR-T products in patients with CNS involvement.